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Sunday, June 13

Ohhhhhh this has been a not so good day :( I want to rip up my red white & blue exchange and throw it out the window! And I have NO time to redo anything. I spent a good portion of the afternoon searching for something in old magazines or freebies online looking for something easy to stitch and nothing is coming to me. I have one in an old book that I think I will settle for, but this apple pie thing just isn't working out the way I wanted it to :( I think I'm too picky, but I don't want to stitch crap and give it to someone LOL it has to be perfect and perfect by my standards is probably too high :( ohhhhh this so sucks!

Its been an all around sucky day for me ... My allergies acting up bad and then getting upset about dumb things and causing my IBS to go bonkers along with the now major headache! how am I gonna get anything stitched :(

OK I'm gonna shut up now lol I'm sure no one wants to read about my bad day anymore...


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