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Monday, February 27

My sister and my new little nephew have spent the last couple of weekends visiting us and I finally got a couple of photos online... Here he is sporting his new little Harley cap my Father got for him! Awww So cute :)

I'm glad to see that a lot of people have the same opinions about leaving pets outdoors 24/7.

Sorry if I came across as a bit aggressive, but at the time I was still steaming from the ears at how I was treated and stuck in the middle between these 2 friends. I've since spoken to the 2nd person in the situation and it seems that there was a slight bit of miscommunication between her and her friend. She told me she didn't tell her friend that I called her horrible that she told her exactly what was said -- that the situation was horrible.
The thing that gets me mad is why in the world would this 1st person get so mad at me when we already had the exact same conversation in the past. I was NOT the one that brought her up in the recent conversation with her friend, her friend was! So I'm just pretty much stuck in the middle here and annoyed as heck lol.

Point is I love animals and I won't ever leave them outside unattended all their life, I let my dogs out in the fenced in yard for a few hours on a nice afternoon to play, but never would I leave them out all day & night long in rain, cold, or heat. It's not right and there is nothing anyone could ever tell me to make me think otherwise.

OK all done about this, not really caring anymore lol


Blogger Kim said...

What a cute little guy! Love the hat. LOL :D

Can't say I blame you for being fuming about the whole pet situation, you got caught up in something that you shouldn't have. You did and said the right things and don't deserve to be raked over the coals for it. I hope you can take a deep breath and hug your little fuzz butt (love that nickname, btw) and know that is he is one lucky puppy to have you. :)

11:08 AM, February 28, 2006  
Blogger Bastet said...

he's adorable! He's also achieved that "Don't mess with me" look. Grampa's starting early in the biker training ....


7:36 PM, February 28, 2006  
Blogger Butterfly Amy said...

Thanks Kim!!

It's great to hear that I'm not alone in my thoughts on this.

And Fuzzy Butt likes his nickname better then his real name these days! haha

8:53 PM, February 28, 2006  
Blogger Stitchermommy said...

hey I will have to watch for your postings

could you please email me and tell me how to add people to blog lists


2:41 PM, March 01, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Cute piccies! was also looking at your bookshelf blog, gave me an idea to do one.

3:43 PM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Chastity said...

Your nephew is beautiful!!

9:47 AM, March 04, 2006  
Blogger Rosa* said...

Your nephew is a cutie. Is that you holding him? For some reason you look REALLY familiar to me!!! Like someone I may have gone to school with..not sure..can't place it. Anyway, I joined the Paperback Swap and gave you credit for the reference so you should get a free credit if you haven't already!! Have a great day!

PS. I'm craz4acop7 on there too I think if you want to look me up.

11:30 PM, March 06, 2006  

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